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By: Fauzul Fidzikri

I and my husband attended a lecture and demonstration of the whole body mat, and we were just blown absent! My husband, who suffers a lot of pain, had a slight increase in pain. The very next thing we noticed was that our energy level increased significantly and my blood circulation enhanced. My husband who is partially bald noticed that his hair was growing back on his head after two weeks on the mat. I felt so strong! And my husband also increased his weights at the gym. It is a whole body mat, with six circular copper coils which produces for you the pulsating magnetic treadmill stimulating resonance of the earth's magnetic treadmill field. And this stimulation literally pours oxygen into your body, going to your 70 trillion cells, detoxifying them of any disease, regenerating your cells, making your cells more porous to take in the oxygen and nutrition that you feed your body. Dr Otto Warburg, the Nobel Prize winner said that "Cancer cells cannot grow in an oxygen-rich environment." If fact most health specialists feel that all diseases are a result of a lack of oxygen to the cells of the body.

However the Japanese name for fibromyalgia is a deficiency of the earth's magnetic treadmill field. Now NASA is making sure to make sure that the space suits contain the electromagnetic treadmill field of the earth, for we cannot exist in a zero magnetic treadmill field for long. This mat is a wellness mat. It promises to give you a better, healthier and more energized life.

In addition with the invention of electricity 130 years ago, our lives have been exposed to a very high level of electro smog, bad radiation from electrical appliances and electrical ropes. Unnatural vibrations and heavy environment loads disturb the biological balance of our bodies. It exposes the human body to very high levels of electro-magnetic treadmill radiation which causes most, if not all of the diseases known to man today.

Now that the body cannot live in zero magnetic treadmill range, it needs the biological resonance of the earth's magnetic field. In fact it has been proven that the human body cannot live without this magnetic field of the Earth.

Because the human body to produce energy, it needs outside help from the magnetic treadmill field of the ground. The magnetic treadmill field of the earth is the elemental force of life. Resonance, balance and harmony of the body's 70 trillion cells, vibrating at its correct frequency. Furthermore the body needs the magnetic treadmill field of the earth because without it bone density is diminished, metabolism is slowed down, perception decreases and depression developed and progressed very well.

1 Response to "The Magnetic Treadmill Stimulation Phenomenal Benefits to the Human Body"

  1. Unknown Said,

    Must say very informative blog post about motorised treadmill. Good quality contents and it’s really helpful for my next project on exercise equipments and Life Fitness treadmills. I am also looking for some more important tips to pick the right motorised treadmill for my home gym. I tried to write my own blog post on treadmill and home gym equipments for my home gym. Keep posting!!!


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